From Iceland — The Idiots Had Their Way

The Idiots Had Their Way

Published January 18, 2015

Grímur Atlason, head of Iceland Airwaves

The Idiots Had Their Way
Photo by

Grímur Atlason, head of Iceland Airwaves

Icelanders are amongst the privileged few. Our problems are typical first world problems. But we tend to whine, complain and feel sorry for ourselves. This choir of self-pity was the foundation of 2014. A nation that receives 150 requests for asylum per year is lighting the bonfires of Islamophobia. In comparison, Sweden receives 84,000 applications for asylum annually. Our government plays the self-pitying, frightened and ignorant citizens like a flute. Instead of repaying our debts, the old “me! me! me!” has taken over, and 100 billion ISK are burned for nothing. I’m sorry to say it, but 2014 is the year the idiots had their way.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2015 is the year of the Green Sheep. This sounds like a perfect year for Framsóknarflokkurinn (“The Progressive Party”—the name makes no sense at all). Luckily, in the rest of the world sheep are not exclusive to Bjartur and Framsóknarflokkurinn. I choose to focus on the gentle and positive aspects of the sheep, and will assume that 2015 will work out better than 2014.

For the sake of nature, for the sake of education, for social welfare, for prosperity, we will get rid of this government ASAP. Fuck Yeah!

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